A downloadable book

A Kung Fu Adventure by Nicole Thode

Fortunate Crossing is an action-packed adventure in the style of wuxia films, so-called kung fu films. It is set in a world inspired by ancient, fantastic China. The player characters are tasked with getting to the bottom of mysterious nocturnal rumblings. They must use cunning and fighting skills to find their way.

Fortunate Crossing uses the easy and quick roleplaying system QuestWorlds.

For information about the index click here.

[Dieses Abenteuer ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.]


HA01EN-Fortunate Crossing-Screen V1.pdf 56 MB
HA01EN-Fortunate Crossing - printer friendly V1.pdf 40 MB
Fortunate Crossing (EN) - Ausschnitt.png 26 MB

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